Representative André Carson

Representative for Indiana's 7th congressional district, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
1Health Professionals$66,330$276,305
2Lawyers/Law Firms$59,246$305,409
3Building Trade Unions$45,650$192,150
4Transportation Unions$40,000$155,000
5Industrial Unions$31,000$181,500
6Defense Aerospace$29,750$29,750
7Air Transport$29,750$66,300
8Real Estate$21,300$151,850
9Public Sector Unions$20,500$186,000
34Telephone Utilities$6,000$6,000
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
1Faegre Baker Daniels$14,637$47,753
2Ice Miller LLP$10,250$61,550
3Rolls-Royce PLC$10,000$10,000
4Northrop Grumman$10,000$10,000
5United Food & Commercial Workers Union$10,000$45,000
6Home Creations$10,000$10,000
7Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers$10,000$40,000
8United Technologies$10,000$10,000
9Carpenters & Joiners Union$10,000$28,500
10Laborers Union$10,000$35,500

Bio Information

CARSON, André, (1974 - ) Image courtesy of the Member CARSON, André, (grandson of Julia Carson), a Representative from Indiana; born in Indianapolis, Marion County, Ind., October 16, 1974; graduated from Arsenal Technical High School, Indianapolis, Ind.; B.A., Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, Wis., 2003; M.S., Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, Ind., 2005; marketing representative; state alcohol license compliance officer; member of the Indianapolis/Marion City-County council, 2007-2008; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Tenth Congress, by special election to fill the vacancy caused by the death of United States Representative Julia Carson, and reelected to the three succeeding Congresses (March 11, 2008-present).

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