Representative Emanuel Cleaver

Representative for Missouri's 5th congressional district, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
1Lawyers/Law Firms$64,350$573,102
2Building Trade Unions$42,750$309,550
3Public Sector Unions$41,000$243,000
6Securities & Investment$27,000$136,552
7Real Estate$26,100$256,650
8Industrial Unions$22,000$200,800
9Finance/Credit Companies$21,500$21,500
23Telephone Utilities$9,000$78,910
34Telecom Services & Equipment$5,500$5,500
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
1American Federation of Teachers$10,000$57,000
2National Rural Letter Carriers Assn$10,000$10,000
3Laborers Union$10,000$10,000
4National Rural Electric Cooperative Assn$10,000$10,000
5Carpenters & Joiners Union$10,000$55,000
6Teamsters Union$10,000$53,000
7Husch Blackwell LLP$8,500$96,945
8Honeywell International$8,500$45,000
9Burns & McDonnell$8,000$8,000
10Operating Engineers Union$7,500$52,500

Bio Information

CLEAVER, Emanuel, II, (1944 - ) Image courtesy of the Member CLEAVER, Emanuel, II, a Representative from Missouri; born in Waxahachie, Ellis County, Tex., October 26, 1944; B.S., Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, Tex., 1972; M.Div., St. Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, Mo., 1974; pastor; radio show host; member, Kansas City, Mo. city council, 1979-1991; mayor of Kansas City, Mo., 1991-1999; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Ninth and to the four succeeding Congresses (January 3, 2005-present).

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