Representative George Butterfield

Representative for North Carolina's 1st congressional district, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
1Pharmaceuticals/Health Products$61,700$204,935
3Health Professionals$33,416$196,455
4Lawyers/Law Firms$31,886$274,248
5Electric Utilities$27,500$183,750
6Telephone Utilities$25,000$120,500
7Retail Sales$19,500$54,250
9Building Trade Unions$17,500$110,500
10Forestry & Forest Products$17,000$17,000
37Telecom Services & Equipment$3,500$3,500
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
1CSX Corp$10,000$26,000
2Cox Enterprises$10,000$10,000
4National Assn of Broadcasters$9,504$26,504
5AT&T Inc$8,000$47,000
6Wal-Mart Stores$8,000$8,000
7Sheet Metal Workers Union$7,500$7,500
8Pfizer Inc$7,000$7,000
9Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers$7,000$32,000
10National Cable & Telecommunications Assn$7,000$7,000
16Verizon Communications$5,000$33,500

Bio Information

BUTTERFIELD, George Kenneth, Jr. (G.K.), (1947 - ) Image courtesy of the Member BUTTERFIELD, George Kenneth, Jr. (G.K.), a Representative from North Carolina; born in Wilson, Wilson County, N.C., April 27, 1947; graduated from Charles H. Darden High School, Wilson, N.C.; B.A., North Carolina Central University, Durham, N.C., 1971; J.D., North Carolina Central University School of Law, 1974; United States Army, 1968-1970; lawyer, private practice; North Carolina resident superior court judge, 1989-2001; North Carolina special superior court judge, 2002-2004; Justice of the North Carolina state supreme court, 2001-2002; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Eighth Congress, by special election, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of United States Representative Frank Ballance and reelected to the five succeeding Congresses (July 20, 2004-present).

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