Representative Hakeem Jeffries

Representative for New York's 8th congressional district, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
1Lawyers/Law Firms$128,550$362,825
3Building Trade Unions$46,000$75,600
4Real Estate$37,509$120,847
5Securities & Investment$32,200$139,250
6Public Sector Unions$29,100$43,600
8Industrial Unions$23,000$41,500
10Transportation Unions$20,500$25,500
21Telephone Utilities$9,250$9,250
32Telecom Services & Equipment$5,500$5,500
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
1Paul, Weiss et al$22,050$87,050
2National Amusements Inc$18,850$37,550
3New York Life Insurance$10,000$10,000
4American Assn for Justice$10,000$20,000
5Teamsters Union$10,000$15,000
6Plumbers/Pipefitters Union$8,500$13,500
7Pfizer Inc$8,250$8,250
8Sheet Metal Workers Union$7,500$7,500
9Carpenters & Joiners Union$7,500$12,500
10Ibe Trade$7,000$12,000
69Verizon Communications$3,000$3,000

Bio Information

JEFFRIES, Hakeem, (1970 - ) Image courtesy of the Member JEFFRIES, Hakeem, a Representative from New York; born in Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y., August 4, 1970; B.A., Binghamton University, Vestal, N.Y., 1992; M.P.P., Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1994; J.D., New York University, New York City, N.Y., 1997; law clerk, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, 1997-1998; lawyer, private practice; member of the New York state assembly, 2007-2012; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress (January 3, 2013-present).

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