Representative John Carney

Representative for Delaware At Large, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
2Securities & Investment$117,970$299,720
3Lawyers/Law Firms$84,360$658,062
4Commercial Banks$72,100$183,950
5Finance/Credit Companies$51,750$127,100
6Real Estate$40,769$200,394
8Pharmaceuticals/Health Products$36,748$149,750
9Building Trade Unions$19,000$113,550
28Telephone Utilities$4,000$4,000
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
1Young, Conaway et al$18,560$109,260
2Citigroup Inc$13,100$22,800
3Skadden, Arps et al$11,140$59,090
4Capital One Financial$10,250$10,250
6Investment Co Institute$10,000$20,500
7American Seniors Housing Assn$10,000$10,000
8CME Group$10,000$10,000
9Indep Insurance Agents & Brokers/America$10,000$10,000
10Zurich Financial Services$9,000$21,500

Bio Information

CARNEY, John C., Jr., (1956 - ) CARNEY, John C., Jr., a Representative from Delaware; born in Wilmington, New Castle County, Del., May 20, 1956; B.A., Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 1978; M.P.A., University of Delaware, Newark, Del., 1987; athletic coach; staff, United States Senator Joseph Biden, Jr., of Delaware, 1986-1989; chief administrative officer, New Castle County, Del., 1989-1994; staff, Governor Thomas Carper, 1994-1997; finance secretary of Delaware, 1997-2000; lieutenant governor of Delaware, 2001-2009; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Twelfth and to the succeeding Congress (January 3, 2011-present).

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