Representative John Lewis

Representative for Georgia's 5th congressional district, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
2Public Sector Unions$30,500$427,168
3Industrial Unions$25,000$408,850
4Health Professionals$22,750$664,026
5Lawyers/Law Firms$19,750$595,282
6Misc Unions$19,000$285,505
7Building Trade Unions$17,500$306,700
8Real Estate$17,400$227,150
26Telephone Utilities$6,000$103,748
49Telecom Services & Equipment$1,000$1,000
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
2Home Depot$11,000$11,000
3American Federation of Teachers$10,000$84,500
4Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers$10,000$103,000
5AFLAC Inc$10,000$108,500
6Credit Union National Assn$8,000$65,000
7Service Employees International Union$7,500$65,500
8National Assn of Real Estate Investment Trusts$7,500$7,500
9Laborers Union$7,500$89,350
10National Assn of Insurance & Financial Advisors$7,500$64,500

Bio Information

LEWIS, John R., (1940 - ) Image, Congressional Pictorial Directory, 109th. LEWIS, John R., a Representative from Georgia; born in Troy, Pike County, Ala., February 21, 1940; attended public schools; B.A., American Baptist Theological Seminary, Nashville, Tenn., 1961; B.A., Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., 1967; director of ACTION, 1977-1980; community affairs director, National Consumer Co-op Bank, Atlanta, 1980-1986; member of the Atlanta, Ga., city council, 1982-1986; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundredth and to the thirteen succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1987-present).

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