Representative Karen Bass

Representative for California's 37th congressional district, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
2Lawyers/Law Firms$53,250$141,988
3Business Services$32,300$62,850
4Industrial Unions$30,000$79,500
5Health Professionals$29,460$155,210
6Real Estate$29,450$73,600
9Building Trade Unions$25,000$91,400
10Public Sector Unions$22,000$89,250
17Telephone Utilities$14,000$14,000
29Telecom Services & Equipment$4,500$4,500
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
1Sony Corp$24,849$40,997
221st Century Fox$14,100$15,100
3Time Warner$13,950$28,550
4McDonald's Corp$10,000$16,000
5Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers$10,000$25,000
6Boilermakers Union$10,000$19,500
7United Food & Commercial Workers Union$10,000$25,500
8Service Employees International Union$10,000$31,300
9Teamsters Union$10,000$25,500
10Comcast Corp$9,250$9,250
20Verizon Communications$6,000$6,000

Bio Information

BASS, Karen, (1953 - ) BASS, Karen, a Representative from California; born in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, October 3, 1953; graduated from Hamilton High School, Los Angeles, Calif.; B.S., California State University, Dominguez Hills, Calif., 1990; P.A., U.S.C. Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, Calif.; physician’s assistant; faculty, U.S.C. Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, Calif.; member of the California state assembly, 2005-2010, and speaker of the assembly, 2008-2010; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Twelfth and to the succeeding Congress (January 3, 2011-present).

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