Representative Madeleine Bordallo

Delegate for Guam At Large, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
1Misc Defense$7,000$64,750
2Food Processing & Sales$4,200$65,800
3Sea Transport$4,000$26,790
5Real Estate$3,000$42,324
6Securities & Investment$2,500$16,800
8Air Transport$2,000$11,250
9Misc Business$1,900$48,355
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
1Northrop Grumman$5,000$10,000
2Quality Distributors$4,200$49,350
3Matson Inc$4,000$23,190
4Wing on Corp$2,650$33,500
5JJQ International Trading$2,550$16,950
6Ada's Trust & Investment$2,500$17,800
8Guam Cell$2,000$8,000
9National Assn of Realtors$2,000$11,000
10Parsons Corp$2,000$14,700

Bio Information

BORDALLO, Madeleine, (1933 - ) Image courtesy of the Member BORDALLO, Madeleine, a Delegate from Guam; born in Graceville, Minn., May 31, 1933; graduated from George Washington High School, Mangilao, Guam, 1951; attended St. Mary’s College, South Bend, Ind.; attended, St. Katherine’s College, St. Paul, Minn., 1953; member of the Guam legislature, 1981-1982, 1987-1994; unsuccessful candidate for Governor of Guam in 1990; Lieutenant Governor of Guam, 1995-2002; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Eighth Congress and to the five succeeding Congresses (January 3, 2003-present).

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