Representative Pedro Pierluisi

Resident Commissioner for Puerto Rico At Large, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
1Lawyers/Law Firms$81,650$536,118
4Health Professionals$23,650$182,924
5Business Services$18,650$110,423
7Food Processing & Sales$15,000$33,500
8Food & Beverage$11,400$60,813
9Misc Business$9,873$286,883
22Telephone Utilities$2,000$2,000
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
1Northwestern Selecta$15,000$22,900
2Coca-Cola Puerto Rico Bottlers$10,400$27,100
3Editorial Panamericana$10,000$10,000
4Gobierno De Pr$9,200$9,200
5Rc Solutions$9,000$9,000
6Diversified Strategies Cons$7,800$7,800
8Le Nouvelle Dspa$6,372$11,272
9O'Neill & Borges$6,000$73,084
10Carrion, Laffitte & Casellas$5,500$5,500

Bio Information

PIERLUISI, Pedro, (1959 - ) Image courtesy of the Member PIERLUISI, Pedro, a Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico; born in San Juan, P.R., April 26, 1959; B.A., Tulane University, New Orleans, La., 1981; J.D., George Washington University, Washington, D.C., 1984; lawyer, private practice; staff, Resident Commissioner Baltasar Corrada de Rio of Puerto Rico; Puerto Rico secretary of justice, 1993-1996; elected as a New Progressive to the One Hundred Eleventh Congress to a four-year term and reelected to the succeeding four-year term (January 3, 2009-present).

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