Representative Raul Ruiz

Representative for California's 36th congressional district, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
1Health Professionals$319,814$506,797
3Leadership PACs$141,950$232,950
4Lawyers/Law Firms$109,721$191,621
5Candidate Committees$75,000$128,000
7Public Sector Unions$63,200$116,200
8Securities & Investment$62,850$74,600
9Hospitals/Nursing Homes$53,610$111,140
10Real Estate$51,000$78,750
38Telephone Utilities$8,750$8,750
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
2Emergency Medicine Physicians$19,750$46,483
3Border Health$15,000$30,000
4Council for a Livable World$12,407$12,407
5United Food & Commercial Workers Union$11,000$21,000
6American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees$10,700$18,200
7Gilbert & Jacki Cisneros Foundation$10,400$10,400
8Avenue Ventures$10,400$10,400
9Cordoba Corp$10,400$17,900
10Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers$10,250$20,250

Bio Information

RUIZ, Raul, (1972 - ) Image courtesy of the Member RUIZ, Raul, a Representative from California; born in Coachella, Riverside County, Calif., August 25, 1972; graduated from Coachella Valley High School, Coachella, Calif., 1990; B.S., University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angles, Calif., 1994; M.D. and M.P.P., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 2001; M.P.H., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 2007; physician; associate dean, University of California-Riverside School of Medicine, 2011-2012; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress (January 3, 2013-present).

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