Senator Amy Klobuchar

Senior Senator from Minnesota, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
1Lawyers/Law Firms$943,964$2,026,784
3Leadership PACs$321,150$585,950
5Securities & Investment$274,933$505,358
7Women's Issues$197,360$1,017,489
8Pharmaceuticals/Health Products$194,375$235,365
9Retail Sales$187,133$329,899
10Health Professionals$177,600$344,305
33Telecom Services & Equipment$64,475$64,475
39Telephone Utilities$49,500$49,500
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
1Dorsey & Whitney$55,450$150,575
2Target Corp$49,000$67,300
3US Bancorp$47,889$67,989
4Robins, Kaplan et al$47,200$103,391
5Medtronic Inc$38,525$68,925
6General Mills$37,900$73,200
7Toys R Us$37,500$37,500
8Wells Fargo$35,150$59,785
9Xcel Energy$34,550$45,850
10Leonard, Street & Deinard$33,500$74,800

Bio Information

KLOBUCHAR, Amy, (1960 - ) Senate Years of Service: 2007- Party: Democrat KLOBUCHAR, Amy, a Senator from Minnesota; born in Plymouth, Minn., May 25, 1960; attended the public schools in Plymouth; graduated magna cum laude Yale University 1982; J.D., University of Chicago 1985; practiced law in Minnesota, becoming partner at the law firms of Dorsey & Whitney and Gray Plant Mooty; Hennepin County attorney 1999-2006; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 2006 for the term commencing January 3, 2007; reelected in 2012 for the term ending January 3, 2019.

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