Senator Kay Hagan

Junior Senator from North Carolina, Democrat

Top Industries
#IndustryYr AmountCareer Amount
2Lawyers/Law Firms$539,993$1,202,617
3Leadership PACs$452,000$733,100
4Pharmaceuticals/Health Products$425,348$452,398
5Securities & Investment$353,604$619,028
7Women's Issues$315,232$915,213
9Real Estate$223,177$472,259
10Commercial Banks$192,650$260,058
49Telephone Utilities$24,150$24,150
Top Donors 2014
#DonorYr AmountCareer Amount
1EMILY's List$132,289$493,808
2Lorillard Inc$68,806$74,606
3League of Conservation Voters$52,348$63,677
4Cisco Systems$51,750$53,250
5Citigroup Inc$43,200$49,250
7Genworth Financial$36,450$36,450
8University of North Carolina$32,873$89,273
9MacAndrews & Forbes$32,450$34,950
10Morgan Stanley$28,000$32,850

Bio Information

HAGAN, Kay, (1953 - ) Senate Years of Service: 2009- Party: Democrat HAGAN, Kay, (niece of Lawton M. Chiles, Jr.), a Senator from North Carolina; born in Shelby, N.C., May 26, 1953; B.A., Florida State University, 1975; J.D., Wake Forest University, 1978; banker; North Carolina State senator, 1999-2009; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 2008 for the term ending January 3, 2015.

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